Monday, January 26, 2009

Vampires v.s Werewolves

Right, I have been set the topic of vampires vs werewolves and there could not be any other topic that is harder for me to think about. I think in general, most people are all for vampires mainly because the way Stephenie Meyer portrays them as the utimate monster you want to become. I mean, come on! Every teenage girl (and boy for that matter) wants to be stunningly gorgeous and have a hunk of a boyfriend. She shows them as having all of that (even down to the fast cars and designer clothes). It only increases our want and to be entirely frank desire to be something that we cannot.

Whereas, the werewolves. They are shown as the roughens. She always describes them as wearing no clothes or shoes which to a huge percentage of us doesn't sound that appealing. We like having smooth undersides to our feet rather than hard hobbit like feet. Also, who always wants to be tired? Don't we all dream of the day when we gain another 10 or so hours? The wolves don't have them but the vamps do! But there is something that Jacob has that I (and this could just be me who thinks this but...) think that Edward doesn't. He has the ablity to understand Bella. He knows when he has pushed it too far and doesn't push it again. I know a lot of people feel major hatred for that werewolf but I don't. I think he stuck to his guns all the way through and never tried to hide who he was or how we felt because, c'mon girls, we all want a guy who is straight with us!!!!

Okay, my rant is over :). Phew.

Qoute of the day: I was stunned by the unexpected electricity that flowed through me, amazed that it was possible to be more aware of him than I already was. A crazy impulse to reach over and touch him, to stroke his perfect face just once in the darkness, nearly overwhelmed me.Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 11, p.219