Friday, March 27, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Wow. Controversial much? It became quite the uproar in the Twilight community. We all were anticpating the book very much and held it to very high standards. Many people went the midnight release parties or bought it first thing the next day at Walmart. I couldn't reach any of my friends because they refused to do anything else until they had finished their books. Some people dropped everything and read it as quickly as possible while others read it over a couple of days trying to savor the last book.

Some people were highly impressed with it, while others were just confused, and many were just downright dissapointed. While I am one of the people are dissapointed I still respect the book and can see why some people liked the book. Let's start with Rosalie.

Some people loved the fact that Rosalie was finally warming up to Bella and being kind to her. Others were mad that she was using Bella to get the child she could never have. I personally think she was using Bella, but I'm not mad about it because Bella let it happen. Bella knew if she wanted to keep the baby she had to get Rosalie on her side, so that's exactly what she did. It wasn't as if Bella was fooled by Rosalie, she asked Rosalie to protect her child.

The next big issue was of course Bella being pregnant. This caused the most controversy out of everything. Some people loved the fact that they would indeed get a family, while others were saying that it wasn't right. Many people didn't like being convinced that there was no way Bella could get pregnant and then having it happen; it was almost like a slap to the face. Another problem that really bothered me was that it was much too sci-fi. I quite frankly got confused with all the talk about genetics. Also if we truly think about it Bella had just turned 19. I don't care if she is a vampire or not, she simply wasn't old enough.

Another problem (or highlight) was Jacob. Some people loved his point of veiw, while others thought it just complicated the story, unneccasarily. I actually loved his point of view because we needed to understand what was going on in the pack. We needed more insight into the werewolves. They really evolved in this book, if you ask me. Some people loved the fact that he imprinted on Nessie while others hated it. I personally think it is a little sick to be in love with someone and then start going after their daughter. I realize what S. Meyer was trying to do, but I think she should have brought in a new character.

Obviously another big point in the book was the Volturi. I still don't know if I like that whole thing or not. Many people were glad they didn't have a fight, while others were angry. Some felt that they spent too much time reading stuff that led up to this whole battle just to find out that there wasn't even going to be one. I think it just made the whole thing too clustered. I mean really a bunch of strangers came to their house and they were trying to teach Bella how to fight in a ridiculous amount of time.

The last actual point from the book that I would like to mention is Charlie. Some people loved that Bella would be able to stay close to Charlie, while others thought it was too perfect. I just think the whole thing is downright stupid. I mean they have been lying and sneaking around Charlie for three whole books, just for him to find out in the last one! Besides, a big thing in the book was that Bella was different because normal people wouldn't accept vampires and werewolves, but it seems to me like everyone is dealing with it just fine.

Despite all of that I still could have fallen in love with the book. It was the last one of the saga and it was all we were going to get before we were limited to fanfiction. I could have fallen in love with it even with all the stuff mentioned above. What made me not like the book was the lack of love between Edward and Bella. They spent first three books having the romance that everyone dreams of. They were the second coming of Romeo and Juliet. Nobody in a ten mile radius would doubt their love for eachother. Yet in the last book, it was hard to find that connection. Yes, they still love eachother, but it was more of the flimsy love you see in the real world. It wasn't the fairtale standard we were use to. They argued about this and thata and they didn't talk here or there and it kind of wrecked the whole purpose of the book. I had the impression that no matter how young they were or the obstacles they went through that there love would survive, but I sort of doubted that in the last book.

My rant is finally over! If you read all of that, be proud.

Twilight Quote: “Do you have a multiple personality disorder?” – Bella Swan, Twilight pg. 82
I chose this quote because most people would be devastated to have one, Edward should be happy. That would mean his blood lust was a diffrent person and there was a seperate Edward that was in love with Bella.