Monday, March 30, 2009

Daddy's Little Cannibal

AThis is an author interview with Daddy's Little Cannibal. She is one of the great writers on ff so I really would recommend checking her out. :)

1. Let’s start with the fun, easy questions! What did you think of Breaking Dawn? The movie?
I don't know what to think of Breaking Dawn. I respect Stephenie for writing what she wanted, but it wasn't my favorite book. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I LOVE the movie. I was just so excited to see it that I didn't care how it turned out, as long as they kept it to the book. Besides, Robert Pattison is pretty darn cute. :)

2. Are you team Edward or team Jacob? Why?
Team Edward. I'm such a loser for guys that would give their life for someone they love, even though they want to kill that person. Edward is such a great guy, he was just minding his own business when this normal human girl sat next to him in biology and he was just like "wow, she smells really good" and then he found himself falling in love with her. I don't know, it's just something about Edward that makes me want to go "awe."

3. When writing a story do you make an outline first or just let the story write itself?
I used to write outlines, but then I realized that I never followed them-ever. So I stopped and just started to wing everything. There have been several stories that I had no idea what it was going to be about when I wrote the first chapter. Like Imagination Land, I had no idea what it was going to be about, I just wanted to write the line "I think she had an orgasm."

4. What do you think makes a story successful?
Heck if I know. I think half of it's luck, the other is talent. The sad thing is a lot of good stories don't get recognized. I don't know why. I read some really good stories and they had like one or two reviews and all I can think is "how does this not have more?"

5. Out of your stories posted online which was the most fun to write?
That's so hard to say. They all were fun because I love writing. I think if I absolutely have to choose, it would be The Pretty Corpses. It's a fun story because I have humor, angst, action, romance, and everything else that a good story needs. :)

6. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chapter stories? Why?
Multi-chapter stories. I love to write one-shots, but it doesn't surprise me.I know what it's going to be about, I write and then it's gone. When I write multi-chapter stories, I get closer to the characters, I get comfortable with the plot, and I start to fall in love with the story.

7. What do you think about all of the love and support you have received on fanfiction?
I'm flabbergasted by it. Are you kidding me? I'm just like, "why do you like me? I'm not that good..." I love it though. I would never say anything bad about the people that support me on fanfiction. The people that hate me on the other hand... Just kidding! No, I love everyone on fanfiction. There have been times where I got my feelings hurt because someone was harsh or someone was mean, but I still love fanfiction and everyone on it. I appreciate all the love and support I get. It's something that I don't know how to express. I have no idea how to tell people how much I appreciate all the support they given me, whether it's a review or a private message, it's just amazing.Seriously, it's amazing.

8. Do you get writers block often? If so how do you deal with it?
Pst. I don't get writer's block. I know what to write, I just don't know how to write it sometimes. My stories get complicated and it's hard to figure out how to play it out because there's so much that needs to be said and I don't want to make it all filler chapters or all action chapters. So it's a matter of structure more than writer's block that stumps me. The best way to get over writer's block is to just write.

9. Do you have any tips for other authors on fanfiction?
Write what you want, not what other people want you to write. Suggestions are helpful, but in the end it's your story, your name is on it. I would rather read a story where the author came up with all the ideas of her own and it be,not bad, but not the greatest story than to read a perfect story where other people are writing it for her. I don't like when people try to write other people's stories, because I feel like if they want to read something then they should write themselves.

10. What is the best story you have read on fanfiction?
Okay, this is kind of bad, but I can't help it. My favorite story on fanfiction is a tie between "Vampiric Peaches" because it is the funniest story ever about vampire peaches and my story "Sleigh Rides." I know that sounds horrible, but seriously, I love that story. I go back and reread it. I never reread my stories after I post them. I love that story.

Check out her page for more...