Friday, April 10, 2009

Reviews Rant

Okay, this is something that really really really gets on my nerves and is most probs the most annoying thing about ff. We all read stories on there, correct? But how many of us actually review majority of the stories we read? I can almost guarantee that you are looking away from the computer screen in disgust right now.

I, myself, do not get very many reviews but a hell of a lot of hits. Why does this annoy me? Because I put so much effort into writing those chapters and making sure that they are decent but then they just are disregarded as people accidentally click on them and then decide to navigate away from the page.

Take my story An Apology As Public As The Stars. It has 506 reviews, so quite a few BUT it has 125,622 hits. There is a huge difference in numbers there. Now I am not claiming to be some amazing writer or anything like that but surely if that many people have read it, or part of it, then there should be more reviews.

So my point of this rant is, when you read on ff make sure you review too. Don't spend hours reading a story because you think it's amazing and then not tell the author. Any kind of review is a god send, even to people who have 10,000+ reviews. It will make them feel loved and wanted on the site. There are hundreds of stories out there that are amazing with under a hundred reviews so make the authors day and send them a review telling them how much you love their story, and you may have just made friends with the next big writer on the site...