Saturday, April 18, 2009

Temptation : A Twilight Fanfiction Twilighted Podcast

Recently, I came across the most amazing site. It is run by four girls, all of which are amazingly funny and interesting. Every week they produce a podcast and nothing has made me laugh like that in forever.

It is by four girls called Caitlin, Clare, Danielle and Christine. From what they say, they all became friends over twilighted/fanfiction. Twilighted is the more grown-up version of fanfiction as you have to be eighteen to have an account.

Now, I wanted to talk about this because they talk about the fandom of fanfiction in a way I have never heard anyone else talk about it. They discuss the smutty stories that we all secretly read but will never admit to, they read out parts of stories, they tell us what is good or bad and most importantly, they don't take themselves too seriously so we can all laugh along with them as they tell us about their experiences as an author and reader.

I think it is so important that we all get to hear things such as Temptation as it certainly doesn't make us all feel alone but is also a different way of discussing something that plays such a hugh role in all of our lives. I cannot recommend more going to check out the podcast at It will make you laugh until the point of tears and I can almost gaurentee make you question what you read on ff or what you may read in the future.