Saturday, July 11, 2009

You Get Me Closer To God

Title: You Get Me Closer To God
Author: americnxidiot
Rating: M
Reviews: 2,114
Status: Complete
Summary: They meet for one reason, and one reason alone. Everybody's happy. Nobody gets hurt. Right? "I wanna feel you from the inside."- E/B OOC All Human. Winner of the Eddie for best completed novel.

JynxxD (Chapter 20 review): I simply LOVE this story. And I'm extremly suprised. Ordinarily such open and frank details are a little out of my comfort zone, however, I don't feel any of it was gratuitous and was actually very required for the story -- to set the proper tone.

That being said, I also loved your Edward and Bella! Her willingness and ingenuity to face her fears and ability to admit her mistakes; His patience and silent suffering without the drastic overreactions. Very well done.

Naomitron (Chapter 20 review): Ah, my head hurts to see this story come to an end. I love just how dirty, filthy, romantic, sweet, and freaking sexy these two are (as you've so wonderfully played them out to be). It really was a fitting end to this wonderful work of art. I'm extremly sad to see it go, so I hope you've got a sequel in the works. If not, I'm always here to help pump out ideas :p Thank you for the hard work and wonderful reading material! I look forward to more from you in the future.

Anonymous: perfect ending! :D it was adorable and sweet and made me happy inside! i wish it hadn't ended, but that was an amazing close to an amazing story! i always got excited when i got an e-mail saying that you had updated! [:

Personal Reading Experince (SPOILERS): In this story, we follow Bella and Edward through their emotional, hilarious, and smutty relationship. The story brings many different emotions out of you and each one is as strong as the next (although lust is certainly at the top).

Edward and Bella's themesong throughout the story is Closer by Nine Inch Nails. It appears in the proluge, in chapter one,at the dinner table, and a few other places. It defines their relationship.

At the beginning it appears that our lovely *cough*horny*cough* characters (Bella and Edward) are only tied together by sex. Little does the reader know they are actually hording emotions.

Although anybody can see why they wouldn't fess up about their feelings. When you are getting sex like don't complain. Not only are their hook-ups spontaneous, but they do it in some pretty crazy places. The calmest they go is Edward's bedroom and I would say the craziest would be the tire swing in a stranger's back yard. And of was secretive. They didn't tell their friends, or parents, or anybody. How many of us haven't wanted a secret fuck buddy? Be honest! And as if the sex in itself it's enough there is flirting *cough*foreplay*cough* going on all day long.

They eventually do put their feelings on the line and I'm sure there were tons of awws coming out. We are all happy that Edward and Bella had their happy ending, we just hope they don't lose their sex drive! You can love this story for many reasons! It's a must read!
